Sunday, 22 May 2011

                        Keep that smile up
                                                 frowns wont get you anywhere try similing. 
                                            when your face is lined with care, 
                                                               try similing 
                                                when your goal seems far away, 
                                                  and the world seems cold and grey 
                                                   it will help to smooth the way 
                                                                     Just smile.

It is hard to be happy when things are not going your way. When the world feels like it is trebling on you and you have nowhere to turn to. You try to be positive but all the negative things that is happening around you are making you to feel restless and without hope of keeping that smile and being positive.
Being happy and keeping that smile may not be always easy but it is possible. Make a choice of having a smile on your face at least even once a day if possible. A smile latten’s your day and makes you to look forward to the rest of the day. Just image the whole day being grumpy and angry how you will feel once you go to sleep.
The things that hold you back of not smiling are the problems or obstacles that you are facing. To give yourself a lift off to a beautiful and wonderful day finds solutions to your problems.
Here are some the things you can do to improve your positives.
·         This can be done sometimes by putting your problems into section and dealing with one section at a time can solve your problems and enabling you not to worry and just enjoy what have in your life without the problems
·         Changing your attitude. The way you view things can set a pattern on how you are living. It can be either you are set on being focus on whatever you consider what is important to you or you can take things serious in your life but still have a good time by just being jolly and loving.
·         Many people forget to be happy, because they don’t priorities happiness as important as other things. When you are happy and you are positive your view of the world is not the same as a person who is negative and only sees the worst of everything you need to put your priorities straight put what is important first. What is mostly important is putting yourself first because you are important than anything in this world.
·         Maintaining that smile is not about being happy it is also about how you live how you do things. It’s about putting things in to perspectives and being positive even when you are facing the worst in your life. As the bible says that through the dark the light shall come.

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