Sunday 22 May 2011

 The use of foul languege
Have you ever stood and just listen to yourself when you speak to other people. You need to think before they utter words to others because whatever you may say has an impact on the person who is hearing it.
Jesus says in Matthew 12:34-36 “For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks, the good man brings good things out of the good store up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that men will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have spoken”.
Here are some ways on improving your languege:
Admit and ask forgiveness. You must plead guilty before God of the use Foul words you have spoken and released that you hurt others with those words. Accept that swearing and cursing is not dignified and it should be a personal decision taken to stop such habits, it all depends on you.
Ask assistance from God to manage your verbal communication. Rather than ignoring negative words we should make every effort to communicate positive words as much as we achievable can.
Verify your judgment. Consider and look what makes you use negative words. Seek wisdom and ask the Lord to strengthen you so that you can conquer this problem you have.
Think about what you perceive in through your senses. You need to ask yourself is what you hearing, seeing or reading is it praising God or does it shame God by you using Foul language?
Apply yourself with God’s word and practice what it says. You need to request that God may give you direction so that you can see the reality of His word
You need to consult a mentor who has a full-grown relationship with Jesus to assist you being responsible in use of words. You need to see your mentor/advisor/friend constantly so that you can talk about how you progressing and also urge Christ to help you in this process.
Pray for those who you have trampled on- whichever deliberately or unintentionally by using foul language. Pray for those who have harmed you by using negative words. The most important thing that Christ wants us to do whenever we hurt each other is to forgive one another.
Be brave when you deal with people who use appalling language in your presence. We need to always keep in mind that the outcome of hearing is more important than the discomfort of taking a rise alongside those who speak foul words.

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